Neo-Impressionists @ The NGV


Viewing posts created by Ryan

Neo-Impressionists @ The NGV

Just sussed out the Neo-Impressionists exhibition at the NGV. I hadn’t been to a gallery since the Dali exhibition a couple of years ago. I highly recommend it!

PlantFest Booklet

Part of the collateral for the Touch of Class Plants event: PlantFest. This was a trade and invitation only event to showcase their coming range. This booklet was part of a pack that each visitor took home.

Flat Design Vs. Skeuomorphic Design

My Thoughts on the Flat Vs. Skeuomorphic Debate.

The Flat vs Skeumorphic Design has been a hotly debated topic in the Graphic Design industry for the past couple of months. With very strong opinions on both sides, I have been following the debate closely.

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I have been whipping up a few of these lately when feeling a lack of creativity. Simple and fun. Madala is a Sanskrit word meaning circle. Mandalas have spiritual and ritual significance in Hinduism and Buddhism.

PlantFest 2012

During November 2012, Touch of Class Plants had run a trade and invitation only event to showcase our their and coming range.

They saw a need to host an event that would allow their Growers, Wholesalers, and Retailers to view the latest trees, shrubs, edibles, succulents, and high impact colour.

I was tasked with the branding and collateral.

Rapha: The Snowys

I’ve been bitten by the cycling bug lately. Yes, the lycra clad version. This amazing short film from the guys at Rapha, gives it a bit of “tough man” look, no?